Tuesday 15 January 2013

The Advantages of an EPOS System

There are many advantages to having an EPOS system for your business.

Easier for staff to use

With a simple touch screen interface, all the information needed is immediately to hand. Your staff won't need to remember prices, nor will they need to memorise all your promotions. The system will immediately alert them when a customer has ordered an item on promotion and give them the details and correct price for the offer. You can also set up your system to give your staff extra information on all the products you sell, and suggest up-sell items too.

Time saving

Orders can be sent directly from the system to your warehouse or to the kitchen if you run a café, hotel or restaurant. This means that orders can be put together much more quickly, and it reduces the time your staff would previously have spent on relaying requests to the right place.

An insight into your business

With an EPOS system gathering information daily you will be able to access detailed reports on this information presented to you in a useful way which would be very hard to obtain without the specialised software installed on your system. You'll be able to easily find out which items are your best sellers and spot trends. It's very useful to know in advance which products are seasonally more popular, and which new products have really taken off.

Keeping on top of your stock levels

With an EPOS system, stock taking is a breeze as the system takes care of it all for you. You'll never run out of an item again as the system will let you know when you start to run low.

Less mistakes

When your orders are sent directly to the warehouse or kitchen there is less chance of errors being made. Errors are also decreased because the touch screen interface is so easy to use and the system will automatically deal with the billing. With the stock taking facilities included you'll also greatly reduce the chance of making a costly error in ordering stock.

Increased profits

With less errors being made, and your staff being able to work more quickly and efficiently you'll soon be making extra profit. With the inbuilt reporting software you'll also be able to make clever and informed decisions about where to take your business next, putting you a step ahead of the competition.

Retail Computer Solutions create bespoke EPOS systems and solutions for businesses of all sectors and sizes. Speak to us today about an affordable system for your business and let us help you work towards greater control, efficiency and profitability.


  1. The Most company are like this Epos solutions .it is easy way to keept information.

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